Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Introductions are always scary for me. 
You define yourself for the world to see, then sit back and wait for them to judge you. Or worse, not even notice you. Here I am sitting at a blank screen, racking my brain over what I should I say about myself and what I should leave out. But I have an awesome group of friends that assure me I will be okay. So here I go, world.

Hello, Rambles here. 

I am a Mom of three beautiful girls: a six-year-old who thinks she is a princess and three-year-old twins that love to trade personalities daily. I love to write fiction and have written stories from a young age. I have always had a vivid imagination, which I am very grateful for. You can never truly be lonely if you can escape into your mind. At least, that’s the case for me. 

My parents used to get upset when I was young, when they would drive by the school and see me playing by myself. It was not because I could not make friends; it was just because sometimes the world I created in my mind was so interesting I did not need anyone else.

Even though I have always been shy, I did have close friends in school that are still friends to this day. I wish I could go back in time and explain to them that I was actually fine. But it was hard to express that when I was young. There were days after school when I would come out in tears, but it was not because I was lonely or could not make friends.

I truly believe it is because I am an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and just did not know to control it or accept it. Little things that wouldn't upset others at times upset me. Pair this with social anxiety and it makes so much sense that some days at school were harder on me than they were for other kids. I want to expand on this in a blog post later.

Another thing you should know about me is that I am a nerd. And I am sure it will show up in future blog posts. I cosplay, though it is a more recent thing. This year will be my third year cosplaying. I love watching anime, Korean dramas and science fiction (also reading it of course).

One last thing: I love Doctor Who! And if you are wondering, Tom Baker and David Tennant are my doctors. There is more I could say about myself, but I will keep it short.

Welcome to Rambles Of A Chaotic Mind.